다음을 사용하여 Framer에서 Google 스프레드시트로 양식 데이터 입력을 자동화합니다. Latenode

다음을 사용하여 Framer에서 Google 스프레드시트로 양식 데이터 입력을 자동화합니다. Latenode

The Latenode platform allows for seamless interaction with websites created using the Framer service. This guide will walk you through creating a scenario where an email address entered in a site form will be automatically written to a Google Sheets cell. This eliminates manual data entry and streamlines the data collection process.

Creating a Form in Framer

Start by creating the form in the Framer workspace. Begin a new project, and within that project, add an element by entering custom code. Use the 'Create Code File' window to name your component, keeping the 'New Component' option checked. Delete the default code and add your own customized script, then press CTRL + S to save it.

On the right side of the interface, you'll see the form that includes text instructions, an email input field, and a confirmation button. The main part of the code will contain the URL constant of the form, which must include the address of the 'trigger on webhook' node.

Configuring the Scenario on Latenode

Next, switch to the Latenode platform to configure the scenario. Clicking the button to create a new scenario, add the first trigger node—specifically, the 'trigger on webhook' node. This node starts the scenario once a request is sent to its URL address. You may change this address if necessary. Copy this URL address and paste it into your Framer code.

Now, when the button in the form is clicked, the request with the entered email value will be sent to the 'trigger on webhook' node using the specified URL.

Testing the Interaction

Switch back to the scenario in Latenode and run the node once to test the interaction. Return to the form, enter a test email, and click the confirmation button. A message will confirm a successful registration.

Back in Latenode, the 'trigger on webhook' node should have successfully executed. One of its output parameters will be the email address entered in the form.

Writing to Google Sheets

To write the specified email value to a Google Sheets cell, add another node in Latenode from the Google group. A node for adding a row will work perfectly. Perform authorization if it hasn't already been done by clicking the 'New Authorization' button and authorizing with your Google account. Select the Google Sheet and the specific sheet tab you want to record the value and define the email parameter from the trigger node as the value to be recorded. Save your changes.

Running the Scenario

Test the entire scenario by running it once. Enter a new test email address in the form and click the button. The scenario should execute successfully, and the email address should be written to the specified Google Sheets cell. Refresh the Google Sheet to verify the data entry. To automate the process without manual intervention each time, activate the scenario. Henceforth, it will run automatically whenever a request is sent to the 'trigger on webhook' node URL.

With these steps, you have successfully created a scenario that records email addresses entered in a Framer form into a Google Sheets document. Enjoy seamless and efficient automation with Latenode, making your workflow smoother and less time-consuming.

Thanks for following along, and happy automating!

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