이 워크플로우의 앱

작동 방식

Canary is a new multilingual speech-to-text recognition model from NVIDIA. According to Hugging Face, it's the best model currently available on the market, boasting the lowest error rate (about 6.67%).

And now it is available to every Latenode user!

👇 It's part of a series of applications designed to give you access to unique and otherwise hard-to-reach AI tools, thus broadening your toolkit with the most cutting-edge tools available.

The innovative Canary model by NVIDIA's NeMo team is a leap forward in multilingual speech-to-text recognition and translation, supporting English, Spanish, German, and French. Trained on a unique mix of 85,000 hours of annotated speech and refined through advanced machine translation techniques, Canary surpasses models like Whisper-large-v3 and SeamlessM4T-Medium-v1 in accuracy, despite using less data. It is now accessible on latenode.com, offering unparalleled efficiency and performance in understanding and translating spoken language.

NVIDIA Canary is the best model currently available on the market, boasting the lowest error rate (about 6.67%) and it's available on Latenode.com


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